Categories: Eikaiwayoutube


EnglishJapaneseExample Sentence
put on身につけるShe put on a jacket.
take off脱ぐShe is taking off her scarf.
speed up速度を上げるThe car is speeding up.
slow down速度を落とすThe car slowed down suddenly.
get on乗るA man is getting on a bus.
get off降りるA woman is getting off a bus.
give up辞めるA man gave up his dream.
carry on続くA woman is carrying on working hard.
pick up迎えに行くA man will pick up a hitchhiker.
drop off降ろすA mom dropped her daughter off at school.
put together組み立てるA boy is putting together a model.
take apart分解するA man is taking apart a clock.
warm upあたためるA woman is warming up some food.
cool down冷やすA girl is cooling down her cat.
pick up電話に出るA man picked up the phone.
hang up出るを切るA woman hung up the phone angrily.
go out出かけるThe family went out in the car.
stay in家にいるThe family stayed in to watch TV.
run after追いかけるThe cat is running after the mouse.
run away逃げるThe cat is running away from the dog.
pick up持ち上げるA mom picked up her son.
put down置いておくA woman put down a plate on the table
take off離陸するThe plane took off safely.
touch down着陸するThe plane touched down safely.
go away去るA woman decided to go away for a while.
come back戻るA woman came back to her family home.
eat in家で食べるAn elderly man chose to eat in today.
eat out外食するA man is eating out at an Italian restaurant.
cheer up元気づけるShe tried to cheer him up with a present.
bring downがっかりさせるHis mean words brought her down.
look up to尊敬するA boy looked up to his father.
look down on見下すA man looked down on his unsuccessful colleague.
tidy up片づけるA girl is tidying up her toys.
mess up散らかすA boy is messing up his room.
fill up(いっぱいに)満たすA girl is filling up her bottles with water.
empty out空にするA boy is emptying out his large water bottle.
take out(中から)出すA boy took out a fork from the drawer.
put awayしまうA lady is putting away her folded clothes.
come down with(病気に)かかるA man came down with the flu.
get over治るA man got over his cold.


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