
英検準2級 ライティング練習用プリントです。



例:Do you think students should take part in club activities at school?

I think students should take part in club activities at school. I have 2 reasons for this. ※I thinkの後に問題のセンテンスを繰り返す。その後2つ理由があるということもつける。

My first reason is that I like sports. When I play sports, I am happy.

※My first reason is that… から始める。When ~, ~.~の時~などなるべく難しい文法を使う。

My second reason is that it is healthy. If I don’t play sports, I become unhealthy.

※My second reason is that…から始める。 If ~, ~.もし~なら

For these reasons, I believe students should take part in club activities at school.

※For these reasons, I believeの後に上のセンテンスと同じで締めくくる。


I don’t think students should take part in club activities at school.

First, many people do not have enough time. When they do club activities, they usually don’t study a lot.

Second, it is not fun for many people. Some people enjoy club activities while others don’t. I would rather read books than club activities.

Therefore, I do not believe taking part in club activities at school is important.

※Therefore, I believeの後に上のセンテンスとちょっと違う形で締めくくる。
